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The Therapi Rooms

Course of 5 Vit B12 injections

  1. Course of 5 Vit B12 injections

Gift Pass: Course of 5 Vit B12 injections

This pass is designed to give a loading set of Vit B12 injections for wellbeing. These will initially be given once fortnightly for the first two injections and then 3 at 4 weekly intervals.

There are many benefits of Vitamin B12 injections which can include:
• Healthier Cardiovascular System
• Improved Immune System
• Improved Sleep patterns
• Improved mood
• Less frequent and severe headache
• Increased energy and stamina
• Helps to metabolise fats and carbohydrates for energy thereby aiding in weight loss
• Fights Anaemia
• Keeps the body’s nervous system and blood cells healthy
I hope you enjoy this Course of 5 Vit B12 injections!

Course of 5 Vit B12 injections

The Therapi Rooms